In 2011, the four longer established cancer registries (Nairobi, Blantyre, Kampala and Harare) conducted work to record  stage at diagnosis of cases registered in 2010 (for breast and cervix cancer), and survival for these two cancers plus cancers of the oesophagus and prostate (the most common cancers of men in the region). The target was to follow up a random sample of 100 cases of each of these cancers, diagnosed in the period 2004-2008, until the end of 2010.

In addition, these four registries prepared their data for submission to “Cancer Incidence in Five Continents volume X” (CI5-X) for the period 2003-2007 and, for a rather longer period, for “International Incidence of Childhood Cancer, Volume 3” (IICC3). This entailed considerable work to check the existing data, and to identify and correct any deficiencies.


The registry manager from Harare (Mr. Chokunonga) spent 2 weeks at Oxford University to analyse 20 year time trends from the cancer registry.


With respect to the newer registries (Kigali, Addis Ababa and Dar es Salaam) the Network  provided technical advice and support in registration methodology, database management, and analysis, as well as arranging staff training. Consultant visits were arranged for all three centres. The new staff recruited for Addis Ababa completed the EARN registrars course and a  period of local in-service training. The registry began data collection in November 2011. The Registry of Kigali completed retrospective data collection for the years 2008-2010 and began to collect cases prospectively.


On 4-6 May a training course was held at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), hosted by the Nairobi Cancer Registry (course organizer Ms Anne Korir). The faculty was comprised of  Dr D.M.Parkin (INCTR), Mr. Eric Chokunonga (Zimbabwe) and Mr. Morten Ervik (IARC). The objectives were to review methods and problems encountered, train the staff in extracting and recording details of stage (breast and cervix cancers), and in follow up of patients and determining and recording vital status. Additional training on the software CANREG-5 was also undertaken. There were 20 participants, from the following registries: Kenya (12), Rwanda (3), Zimbabwe (2), Uganda (2), and Malawi (1).


A practical training course in basic registration methods for the newly recruited staff from Addis Ababa (four persons) and Dar es Salaam (one) was conducted over a four week-period from 12th September – 1st October. Training was delivered in Kampala (3 weeks) and Nairobi (1 week), by the staff of these two registries, assisted by the registry of Rwanda (for training in the use of the CANREG-5 software).


The work of the Network was presented at the meetings of the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) in Mauritius (October  11-13th 2011) and at the meeting of the African Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (AORTIC) in Cairo (Nov 30-Dec 3 2012).

Originally, a review meeting for the principal investigators from each centre was planned to be held at the time of the AORTIC meeting in Cairo. Because several members did not attend, and logistical problems, the annual review was combined with a planning meeting for Year 2 (2012), the combined meeting was held in Arusha, Tanzania , on 17-19th January 2012.